Improve your
On Time Delivery

Manufacturing components for the nuclear industry involves complex processes. Give teams the freedom to focus on quality of execution by automating administrative tasks and paper documentation—so they can get the job done better, faster. 

Address factors that slow
production lines


Slow and cumbersome administrative tasks 

With paper-based documentation, putting together complex and onerous reports takes up time and resources. Worse still, it leads to inaccuracies and tedious double-checking. 


Errors and rework 

Poorly understood or poorly applied procedures, and high rejection or remanufacturing rates significantly impact margins and customer satisfaction. 


Long invoicing times 

Each order or response to a call for tenders commits material and human resources over a long period before generating revenue, limiting your company’s capacity to take on new projects. 

How to increase quality
with Siteflow ?


Establish adaptable, shared manufacturing standards

  • Enable method engineers, quality engineers and project managers to construct projects together, using a shared reference framework
  • Establish standardised procedures that can be repeated, adapted and reused
  • Generate orders via ERP integration 

Support more efficient teams and reduce non-conformities

  • Design control programmes enabling to meet the most demanding standards (ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 19443...).  
  • Focus on technical actions by providing precise instructions  
  • Access procedures with the right indicator required for successful completion of a given step 
  • Receive feedback from the field via forms and official reports

Monitor production progress

  • Manage orders 
  • Monitor production progress by batch or part 
  • Visualise sign-off status 
  • Visualise and receive information feedback in the ERP

Automate production of end-of-manufacture reports and regulatory documents

  • Automatically generate required documentation and reports 
  • Generate experience feedback documents to support continuous improvement 
  • Easily add documents using APIs  


More than 30 nuclear industry leaders
choose Siteflow

Groupe ADF

Digitalising our activities documentation and giving all of our operators access will guarantee the quality of our services, compliance with expectations, traceability, safety and maintenance of our customers' nuclear installations.

Jean-Marc Veglia, Directeur Division Nucléaire - ADF

Aubert et Duval
Consolis Bonna TP

Téléchargez le livre blanc sur la fabrication

Livre blanc


Livre blanc

Pourquoi et comment digitaliser les processus ?

Poids de la règlementation et complexité des opérations : le nucléaire arrive loin derrière l’aéronautique, le spatial et l’automobile en matière d’efficacité opérationnelle. Pourtant, il devient urgent pour les fabricants de faire mieux, livrer plus vite et être à la hauteur des nouveaux enjeux du nucléaire.


Télécharger le livre blanc

Let’s talk about
your digital acceleration